Well, here I am, finally getting to post and oh look at the time -> 1:12am gosh, I wish I was sleepy!
Since I can't sleep I will tell you what's up. the sky....no just kidding! I finished anther year of college and came out with flying colors. but this year hasn't been easy! i was sick the first semester and second semester was one that tested me and I have grown from it and take what I learned to heart. I have made some amazing friends that have helped me see who I really was and will be forever great full. this summer has already started off on the right foot. I have enrolled in summer school at UCO for accounting (ewwww!), I have gotten to sleep in, see some of my sisters, go to the Omniplex to see the body exhibit with my sisters and feel like I was 10 again, renewed my membership with Aspen athletics club, and last but not least I am going to DALLAS, TX! I can't wait to go. One is I get to see Darren and Rebecca and go see some art! Woot!
oh, and well one little miner thing....i have a date tomorrow! Date #2
Well. I love you all and I hope that this post satisfied your hunger to know know what is going on in my life! and with that I bid you good night!
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Thursday, October 11, 2007
update update update!
can you guess what i am going to talk about.........ROWING!!!
ok so this Saturday is our first OSU CREW regatta in Oklahoma City - Head of the Oklahoma. this is a big deal......here is a video of what is going on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.....GO WATCH IT RIGHT NOW.
Chesapeake boathouse
i have to say i am really excited, i think it is because of my new CREW cloths and that we are racing sexual chocolate (one of our boats). don't get made at me for the name, i didn't name it. the guy that owned it like 100 years ago did and left it to the OSU CREW TEAM and has laid doormat for a little over 10 year and hasn't touched water until two days ago.......if you are wondering we did fix the holes in the boat! here is a picture of it!
sexual chocolate (warning there my be a lot of pictures)
this is what it looked like last year

this is what it looks like done!

homemade cox seat

and other major repairs

she floats!!! YAY

ok so that is the new...old boat!
now i am going to show you more stuff.....videos of some fun stuff that has to do with CREW!
Rowing commercial
Cox gets launched (this one is my favorite)
Accident with a boat at rowing regatta
i will post more later from this weekend! i need to get some sleep...5am is going to creep up on my and bit in this ass!
night all!
ok so this Saturday is our first OSU CREW regatta in Oklahoma City - Head of the Oklahoma. this is a big deal......here is a video of what is going on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.....GO WATCH IT RIGHT NOW.
Chesapeake boathouse
i have to say i am really excited, i think it is because of my new CREW cloths and that we are racing sexual chocolate (one of our boats). don't get made at me for the name, i didn't name it. the guy that owned it like 100 years ago did and left it to the OSU CREW TEAM and has laid doormat for a little over 10 year and hasn't touched water until two days ago.......if you are wondering we did fix the holes in the boat! here is a picture of it!
sexual chocolate (warning there my be a lot of pictures)
this is what it looked like last year

this is what it looks like done!

homemade cox seat

and other major repairs

she floats!!! YAY

ok so that is the new...old boat!
now i am going to show you more stuff.....videos of some fun stuff that has to do with CREW!
Rowing commercial
Cox gets launched (this one is my favorite)
Accident with a boat at rowing regatta
i will post more later from this weekend! i need to get some sleep...5am is going to creep up on my and bit in this ass!
night all!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
once upon a dream......literally!!!!!

Well, HELLO everyone! It has been a long time since I have blogged! Ya’ll are in for a treat *wink wink*...
A few nights ago I had a dream and let me just tell you...I have the craziest dreams ever but this one was tops them all!
The dream takes place in my neighborhood and it involves my front yard and the house catty-cornered across the street. The only contemporary house in the addition.
I was in my front yard doing something and I see catty-cornered across the street this commotion going on, so I walk over. I see dark green grass, white chairs, and lots of bright red carpet. People are busy putting up streamers and getting everything in their right place and then I realize what is really going on. It’s a wedding! I thought to myself "WHY THE HECK WOULD THEY DO A WEDDING IN YARD BY A NASTY CREEK AND A BUSY STREET...gross place for a wedding!"
Time passes. I watch more intently and I notice that there are two decorative archways and I'm thinking "Why do they need TWO arch-ways?" I get having one for the bride and groom to stand under but the second one? I couldn't figure out. They don't need that second one. So I nonchalantly walk over and pick up the rather large but very light archway and start to take it back around to my house and to my back yard, when it starts to snow. I see someone walking over, so I stop and look innocently at him. He walks over with a smile (it's still snowing) and says, "hey, how is it going?" "Good." I answer and add, "I thought I would just get this extra arch-way out of your way so you could have more room." He (the father of either the groom or the bride) answers, "Oh, thanks but I still think we might use it." "Okay. Well it will be over here when you need it."
At this point I'm still screaming inside, "Why do you have to have TWO, one looks just fine!" Then all of a sudden it's clear on our side of the street and green. (I am still outside and watching everything unfold.) Then out of nowhere a red carpet is placed in the middle of the yard right in front of me. I sit there with a look on my face that would make anyone laugh. "What the...?" I'm thinking.
The wedding party asks if they could start the bride walk from where I am. For some reason I agree to this and let them keep it there and I just keep on lying in the grass taking in the sun right in front of the red carpet. Not even a second later they are ready to start the wedding. I look up at the couple and I spring up when I recognize the groom! He was one of my co-workers at work. (I am not going to give a detailed description) He is standing there in black slacks and a burgundy shirt and a tie (he's white); his bride to be is in a red shirt and blue jeans that happens to be a rather large black woman. (*I don't have anything against black and white people getting married or having a relationship and I also have nothing against large people.) I lie back down in the grass and watch as the wedding proceeds. My friend/co-worker is not in the groom's usual spot; he's not at the end of the walk in front of everyone but he's in the back with his BIG boDACIOUS bride to be. They start to walk down together and I break out in song. It's not just any song; it's America the Beautiful. Keep in mind that I only hear my singing and not the wedding march that was also playing from a beaten up boom box. They stop in mid-stride and look back at me and I am still singing and slowly let my song die out. I see the boDACIOUS bride's mother running up to me to protest. The strange thing is that I can't hear her, not one word, and she is just flapping her arms and her mouth is moving tring to say something to me. I just stand there looking at her with my eyebrows raised. The groom is now looking at me and has let go of his WOman. I still can't hear what is being said between the groom, bride, and bride’s mother.
Then out of nowhere the scene changes and I am in the morning room in my parent’s house and a group of us were sitting around the table. Can you guess who is seated at the table? The ex-groom, a random family member (faces blurred so I couldn't identify them), me, another random family member, my mother, and my cousin Ellen Loard are standing around the table. The rest of the house was just full of family. I am looking at him and he is looking at me we are touching our bare feet together trying to be discrete about our affection in front of my family. ( We don't want to tell anyone.) Out of the blue Ellen grabs both of my "friends" shoulders and shouts at me, "IF YOU DON'T STOP TOUCHING HIS FEET AND PUT YOUR ARMS AROUND HIM. YOU MIGHT NEVER GET MARRIED". We both look at each other like ... How did they guess..........then i wake up.
OK, WHAT THE HEFER? I have the craziest dreams! Mom says that it’s weird that I can remember all of that! I don't either!
I hope that you enjoyed that little once upon a time or dream!
Sweet dreams everyone!
Sunday, July 01, 2007
OK, it says on my blog entry-majig that it's 2:00am! we'll for the beginning! *side note-i have my second wind from work! gotta love it*
have you ever had just a just for the summer that you loved! I DO! oh, wait i mean GAH this job sucks worse than a kid playing with a vacuum trying suck up mud! I sure everyone has said at least once that they loved their job at first. but for me this is something love to do. oh how stupid of me, i foregot to tell you what i do! i work for Aunt Pittypat's Carering Company! we do all kinds of events! tonight I worked a house party (engagement), but last week was the coolest event i have ever worked! we catered for the Purple sash. Kayne Gillaspie was from project runway from season 3. the purple sash dinner dinner was a benefit for domestic violence. there were two catwalks for the models to go down. anyways, it was an awesome party nontheless. tonight was a pretty fun and we got back to the shop to unload and got our stuff cleaned up early! YAY US! each person got a $40 tip! but the next group of people came to unload their truck and well, the party went well and then went pretty sour! one of their guys didn't even show and they other guy was working the bar and left with a bottle of wine and $60 in tips! so it was just canaan and cathy! when i drove up i asked if they had any more help! they said no so i opped to stay and help them out. so i did! i just can't tell you enough how much i love my job!
moving on with my life for the summer. i have been working out a lot and loving that as well. i am getting ready next season of rowing! i can't wait to do that. also i am counting the days till i move into the alpha delta pi house.
well, that is it for now. take care everyone.
have you ever had just a just for the summer that you loved! I DO! oh, wait i mean GAH this job sucks worse than a kid playing with a vacuum trying suck up mud! I sure everyone has said at least once that they loved their job at first. but for me this is something love to do. oh how stupid of me, i foregot to tell you what i do! i work for Aunt Pittypat's Carering Company! we do all kinds of events! tonight I worked a house party (engagement), but last week was the coolest event i have ever worked! we catered for the Purple sash. Kayne Gillaspie was from project runway from season 3. the purple sash dinner dinner was a benefit for domestic violence. there were two catwalks for the models to go down. anyways, it was an awesome party nontheless. tonight was a pretty fun and we got back to the shop to unload and got our stuff cleaned up early! YAY US! each person got a $40 tip! but the next group of people came to unload their truck and well, the party went well and then went pretty sour! one of their guys didn't even show and they other guy was working the bar and left with a bottle of wine and $60 in tips! so it was just canaan and cathy! when i drove up i asked if they had any more help! they said no so i opped to stay and help them out. so i did! i just can't tell you enough how much i love my job!
moving on with my life for the summer. i have been working out a lot and loving that as well. i am getting ready next season of rowing! i can't wait to do that. also i am counting the days till i move into the alpha delta pi house.
well, that is it for now. take care everyone.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
what's new.......
this is from the tulsa sprints (this isn't us but just watch it anywau :] ) this is a great video i made this is what we want to look like!! enjoy!
rowibg #2
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It’s summer time and I start it off with a BANG! After a week of sit’n on my bah-donk-a-donk, it was time for me to get in the gear of things and call to go back to work! HAH, go back to work at UCO! I don’t think so! So this is what went down, I went down there and they were sooooo happy to see me and tell to come to work tomorrow! Uhh, yeah if I was Paris or Nicole from the simple life! The true story of this is, I go to UCO to see my old boss and discuss when I can come back and get things squared away to start working there again. Nikki (old boss) cut me short and said she didn’t have time for chit chat come back in a week and then we can talk! My thought – ok thanks for your time, but I think I will pass! So another week went by and she told me to call her later! So I took it upon my self to call Aunt Pitypat’s Catering! Got the job and also got a job at their sister company Trattoria Il Centro as a hostes! HECK YEAH, I got 2 jobs and this is all before the first of june! On the 2nt and 3rd of june I was rowing! I was happy! I am always really happy when I get to do this! OSU CREW CLUB rocked the house at the regattas! Yea hoo we where the only colligated club there! That is want I have been doing this summer!
I have been working a little bit and just trying to enjoy my summer!
i will try and update some more on some other things and i will need some feed back so stay tooned!
and now i am going to share some photos and also ask for some help on different fund rasing for OSU CREW club! ENJOY!
welcome to osu water sports boat house!
these are our 2 main boats that we use. the orange boat is flip and the black one is duckie.
this is our beach, wait where is the beach, oh b/c of all the damn rain!!! lol this is where we launch the 8 man boat! our doc is tooooo small!!!
this is our 8 man boat (el capitan II) and that stays our in the open strapped down to some t stands! we have nowhere to put it! is that sad! we need some funding bad!
this is our lovely lake carl blackwell!
this a work progress! the name of this boat is (please for give me for saying this)sexual chocolate! the owner before us named it!
these belong to the sailing team!
and here are more of the sailing boats! there are more at the doc! they have way to many!
this is inside our lovely boat house
#2 of inside our boat house! see all that crap on the floor...it's the sailing teams!
this where we keep ALL of our things we need with our erg room on the side!
this is one of our ergs in our work out room!
this is the view from our work out room! oh, its nice!
and last but not least these are out trusty oars!
thanks for looking at my pics! our boat house needs a lot of work! anyways, how everyone has a great day!
rowibg #2
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It’s summer time and I start it off with a BANG! After a week of sit’n on my bah-donk-a-donk, it was time for me to get in the gear of things and call to go back to work! HAH, go back to work at UCO! I don’t think so! So this is what went down, I went down there and they were sooooo happy to see me and tell to come to work tomorrow! Uhh, yeah if I was Paris or Nicole from the simple life! The true story of this is, I go to UCO to see my old boss and discuss when I can come back and get things squared away to start working there again. Nikki (old boss) cut me short and said she didn’t have time for chit chat come back in a week and then we can talk! My thought – ok thanks for your time, but I think I will pass! So another week went by and she told me to call her later! So I took it upon my self to call Aunt Pitypat’s Catering! Got the job and also got a job at their sister company Trattoria Il Centro as a hostes! HECK YEAH, I got 2 jobs and this is all before the first of june! On the 2nt and 3rd of june I was rowing! I was happy! I am always really happy when I get to do this! OSU CREW CLUB rocked the house at the regattas! Yea hoo we where the only colligated club there! That is want I have been doing this summer!
I have been working a little bit and just trying to enjoy my summer!
i will try and update some more on some other things and i will need some feed back so stay tooned!
and now i am going to share some photos and also ask for some help on different fund rasing for OSU CREW club! ENJOY!
welcome to osu water sports boat house!

these are our 2 main boats that we use. the orange boat is flip and the black one is duckie.

this is our beach, wait where is the beach, oh b/c of all the damn rain!!! lol this is where we launch the 8 man boat! our doc is tooooo small!!!

this is our 8 man boat (el capitan II) and that stays our in the open strapped down to some t stands! we have nowhere to put it! is that sad! we need some funding bad!

this is our lovely lake carl blackwell!

this a work progress! the name of this boat is (please for give me for saying this)sexual chocolate! the owner before us named it!

these belong to the sailing team!

and here are more of the sailing boats! there are more at the doc! they have way to many!

this is inside our lovely boat house

#2 of inside our boat house! see all that crap on the floor...it's the sailing teams!

this where we keep ALL of our things we need with our erg room on the side!

this is one of our ergs in our work out room!

this is the view from our work out room! oh, its nice!

and last but not least these are out trusty oars!

thanks for looking at my pics! our boat house needs a lot of work! anyways, how everyone has a great day!
Monday, May 21, 2007
things are looking up for me....i hope....
hey all,
to the few that read this.....i am doing good, great, grand, wonderful (sorry i got a little bit of chris farrely carried away (tommy boy quote) and doing some self improvement!
first, i am looking at a possible new job with a much better catering company, Aunt Pittypat's! don't get me wrong i liked working with UCOs company but i think i need to see what it's like with someone different. i go in tomorrow to give them my paper work and an interview! wish me luck!
second, i joined a fitness club! i am a pround member of aspen athletics club! one thing i do have to say i am loving it and i haven't even been with them a full week! they have so much to do and they are open 24/7 (love it). every employee is legit and that is a comfort in it self. but most important i am not doing this for anyone but myself. i am not going to impress anyone or whatever, i am solly there to give myself a boost that only i can get. i heard someone say that you can't count on others to push you to go work out and feel good about, but it's you that can be happy in the end.
and third, i have a regetta june 2nt and 3rd! one is in talsa and oklahoma city! can't wait to see my team mates again!
well, i hope that everyone is doing well. take care and God bless
to the few that read this.....i am doing good, great, grand, wonderful (sorry i got a little bit of chris farrely carried away (tommy boy quote) and doing some self improvement!
first, i am looking at a possible new job with a much better catering company, Aunt Pittypat's! don't get me wrong i liked working with UCOs company but i think i need to see what it's like with someone different. i go in tomorrow to give them my paper work and an interview! wish me luck!
second, i joined a fitness club! i am a pround member of aspen athletics club! one thing i do have to say i am loving it and i haven't even been with them a full week! they have so much to do and they are open 24/7 (love it). every employee is legit and that is a comfort in it self. but most important i am not doing this for anyone but myself. i am not going to impress anyone or whatever, i am solly there to give myself a boost that only i can get. i heard someone say that you can't count on others to push you to go work out and feel good about, but it's you that can be happy in the end.
and third, i have a regetta june 2nt and 3rd! one is in talsa and oklahoma city! can't wait to see my team mates again!
well, i hope that everyone is doing well. take care and God bless
Monday, May 14, 2007
i gots a new hair do!
i thought about this for a long time, more like a year of trying to figure out if i wanted to go through with this! some people i talked to looked at me like are you crazy or are you sure you want to really do that look along with the comment "some perms aren't that great so........."
i just wanted to see what it was like to have long curly hair and i finally did it last monday! i got a perm!
its a big change and i am still getting use to it! at times i like it and hate it too! well here is what it looks like.......
OMG what is this!!!
no...i don't know! it's just curly!!!! :)
i just wanted to see what it was like to have long curly hair and i finally did it last monday! i got a perm!
its a big change and i am still getting use to it! at times i like it and hate it too! well here is what it looks like.......

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