Saturday, December 02, 2006

i love the snow!! enough said!

well, it snowed like crazy in cowboy country last wednesday and classes got cancaled thursday and friday!! so this is what we did.....

everyone is out in the lounge making hot coco and anything that is warm b/c of the snow that is falling out side!!!

this was what it looked like with in a few hours of it starting.

AHHH! so much snow!!! you can hardly see anyone infront of you!

time for a group shot!

hanna and katie playing in the snow!

snow ball fight .......boys vs. girls at 2:30am!

katie and brittany sittin on a big hunka junka snow!!! hahaha

action picture of the all the funness being had!

stopping to get some grub and stocking up on food!

I just love the people i live with!



Anonymous said...

Looks way like toooooo much fun!!! Great shots!!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures-looks like you had fun. the snow was beautiful-good to have friends to share the moments with.
