Well, lately I have been thinking of doing something around the water and joinning sculling and/or rowing club. I will just have to see if that is what God wants me to do. This looks like a lot of fun and well just pain SWEET!
check out the website: http://www.chesapeakeboathouse.org/index2.html
I know if this is what God wants me to do this.....He will let is happen. :o)
Sunday, November 05, 2006
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Hey, this may sound crazy to you, but I don't think God cares if you pursue rowing or not... Honestly, he just wants your heart. You find your identity in Him... I am dealing with the same thing with the Ironman. The cool thing is that he made you and He made you (and I) an incredibly able athlete and if you want to be a rower (and you have time)... then go for it!
I am also dealing with this in my job. I have an opportunity to take another job and I tend to sit around and wait for a burning bush... I think God just says, I don't care what you do, Darren, just choose and trust me that I am sovereign and if it is a bad decision, I (HE) will fix it and/or give me a way out.
you do have a point....but this hobby is $$$ and going to pray about anyways.
“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?
And not one of them will fall to the ground
without your Father's will.
BUT even the hairs of your head are all numbered.
Fear not, therefore; you are
of MORE VALUE than many sparrows." -- Matt 10
"WE KNOW that the whole creation has been groaning
in travail together until now; and not only the creation,
(who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly
as we wait for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.
For in this hope we were saved.)
Now hope that is seen is not hope.
For who hopes for what he sees?
But if WE HOPE for what we do not see,
we wait for it with patience.
LIKEWISE ... the Spirit helps us in our weakness;
for we do not know how to pray as we ought,
but the Spirit himself intercedes FOR US
with sighs too deep for words.
And he who searches the hearts of men knows
what is the mind of the Spirit,
because the Spirit intercedes for the saints
ACCORDING to the will of God.
God works for good with those who love him,
who are called according to his purpose.
For those whom God foreknew
God also predestined
to be conformed to the image of his Son,
in order that he might be the first-born
among many brethren.
And those whom God predestined the Holy Spirit
ALSO CALLED; and those whom the Holy Spirit called
CHRIST also justified; and those whom CHRIST justified
God also glorified.
What then shall we say to this?
If God is for us, who is against us?" - Rom 8
It does matter what we do. Everything has a purpose -- good and bad -- and God is directing us. What we think are "mistakes" help us to learn. Christians never miss God's will. Problem: American Christians have been programmed for prosperity. "Oops, things didn't work out." Answer: "I must have missed God's will." Read: 1 Peter 1:4-7, 1 Peter 4:12-13, Romans 5:3-5, 2 Corinthians 1:3-5, James 1:2-4
Our disappointment and failures are just as important as our successes. We all will have both in life.
Follow the desires of your heart and leave the outcome up to the Lord. The Holy Spirit is already interceding for you because you don't know how to pray for yourself sometimes.
Brenden...embrace your desire and go 100% out for whatever you find in your heart to do. Grasp every opportunity. If God does not want you to go a certain direction he will stop you. A believer will always choose God's will. Leave the results up to the LORD. YOU do not belong to YOU!
Do we miss God's "perfect" will ... yes of course. Sometimes we can't help ourselves.
The point is. If it were possible for us to walk 100% all of our lives controlled by the Holy Spirit we would live a perfect life like Jesus did and make no mistakes. We can't. Just like we know that our earthly daughters and sons will make mistakes, we as good parents are their teachers and safety net. We want our children to improve and have character and strength.
God - our heavenly father - is fully aware of all of our mistakes and errors which we shall make from the moment we are born. The Good News is that every single one will be turned to benefit us positively IF we belong to Christ. The point.
There is no fear.
Col 2:14
Romans 8:28 And WE KNOW that ALL things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose.
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