ok so this Saturday is our first OSU CREW regatta in Oklahoma City - Head of the Oklahoma. this is a big deal......here is a video of what is going on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.....GO WATCH IT RIGHT NOW.
Chesapeake boathouse
i have to say i am really excited, i think it is because of my new CREW cloths and that we are racing sexual chocolate (one of our boats). don't get made at me for the name, i didn't name it. the guy that owned it like 100 years ago did and left it to the OSU CREW TEAM and has laid doormat for a little over 10 year and hasn't touched water until two days ago.......if you are wondering we did fix the holes in the boat! here is a picture of it!
sexual chocolate (warning there my be a lot of pictures)
this is what it looked like last year

this is what it looks like done!

homemade cox seat

and other major repairs

she floats!!! YAY

ok so that is the new...old boat!
now i am going to show you more stuff.....videos of some fun stuff that has to do with CREW!
Rowing commercial
Cox gets launched (this one is my favorite)
Accident with a boat at rowing regatta
i will post more later from this weekend! i need to get some sleep...5am is going to creep up on my and bit in this ass!
night all!