Well, HELLO everyone! It has been a long time since I have blogged! Ya’ll are in for a treat *wink wink*...
A few nights ago I had a dream and let me just tell you...I have the craziest dreams ever but this one was tops them all!
The dream takes place in my neighborhood and it involves my front yard and the house catty-cornered across the street. The only contemporary house in the addition.
I was in my front yard doing something and I see catty-cornered across the street this commotion going on, so I walk over. I see dark green grass, white chairs, and lots of bright red carpet. People are busy putting up streamers and getting everything in their right place and then I realize what is really going on. It’s a wedding! I thought to myself "WHY THE HECK WOULD THEY DO A WEDDING IN YARD BY A NASTY CREEK AND A BUSY STREET...gross place for a wedding!"
Time passes. I watch more intently and I notice that there are two decorative archways and I'm thinking "Why do they need TWO arch-ways?" I get having one for the bride and groom to stand under but the second one? I couldn't figure out. They don't need that second one. So I nonchalantly walk over and pick up the rather large but very light archway and start to take it back around to my house and to my back yard, when it starts to snow. I see someone walking over, so I stop and look innocently at him. He walks over with a smile (it's still snowing) and says, "hey, how is it going?" "Good." I answer and add, "I thought I would just get this extra arch-way out of your way so you could have more room." He (the father of either the groom or the bride) answers, "Oh, thanks but I still think we might use it." "Okay. Well it will be over here when you need it."
At this point I'm still screaming inside, "Why do you have to have TWO, one looks just fine!" Then all of a sudden it's clear on our side of the street and green. (I am still outside and watching everything unfold.) Then out of nowhere a red carpet is placed in the middle of the yard right in front of me. I sit there with a look on my face that would make anyone laugh. "What the...?" I'm thinking.
The wedding party asks if they could start the bride walk from where I am. For some reason I agree to this and let them keep it there and I just keep on lying in the grass taking in the sun right in front of the red carpet. Not even a second later they are ready to start the wedding. I look up at the couple and I spring up when I recognize the groom! He was one of my co-workers at work. (I am not going to give a detailed description) He is standing there in black slacks and a burgundy shirt and a tie (he's white); his bride to be is in a red shirt and blue jeans that happens to be a rather large black woman. (*I don't have anything against black and white people getting married or having a relationship and I also have nothing against large people.) I lie back down in the grass and watch as the wedding proceeds. My friend/co-worker is not in the groom's usual spot; he's not at the end of the walk in front of everyone but he's in the back with his BIG boDACIOUS bride to be. They start to walk down together and I break out in song. It's not just any song; it's America the Beautiful. Keep in mind that I only hear my singing and not the wedding march that was also playing from a beaten up boom box. They stop in mid-stride and look back at me and I am still singing and slowly let my song die out. I see the boDACIOUS bride's mother running up to me to protest. The strange thing is that I can't hear her, not one word, and she is just flapping her arms and her mouth is moving tring to say something to me. I just stand there looking at her with my eyebrows raised. The groom is now looking at me and has let go of his WOman. I still can't hear what is being said between the groom, bride, and bride’s mother.
Then out of nowhere the scene changes and I am in the morning room in my parent’s house and a group of us were sitting around the table. Can you guess who is seated at the table? The ex-groom, a random family member (faces blurred so I couldn't identify them), me, another random family member, my mother, and my cousin Ellen Loard are standing around the table. The rest of the house was just full of family. I am looking at him and he is looking at me we are touching our bare feet together trying to be discrete about our affection in front of my family. ( We don't want to tell anyone.) Out of the blue Ellen grabs both of my "friends" shoulders and shouts at me, "IF YOU DON'T STOP TOUCHING HIS FEET AND PUT YOUR ARMS AROUND HIM. YOU MIGHT NEVER GET MARRIED". We both look at each other like ... How did they guess..........then i wake up.
OK, WHAT THE HEFER? I have the craziest dreams! Mom says that it’s weird that I can remember all of that! I don't either!
I hope that you enjoyed that little once upon a time or dream!
Sweet dreams everyone!