This week has been a crazy one! Earlier in the week at CREW practice we went running out side...I liked it but my shins didn't!! I think I have been train a little to hard (I think I talked about it in my last post.....). Long story short my shin splints have been getting worse. I am getting to the point where it really hurts to walk. The doctor told me that I CAN NOT run for a week and have to ice my legs as often as I can and will see him on friday for x-rays just to be safe! The good thing is about this is that I can swim. That just puts a smile on my face.
Today was fun...I got a call from one of my friends from CREW asking me if I would like to go rowing on the lake today!! That was pretty awesome I have to admit. I know some people just don't get excited easily about stuff like this.....BUT I do! (side note...When I commit myself to something I go for it like I have my eye on a target and won’t stop till I hit it dead on.) This is the first time that I have ever done on my own with out bringing someone with me. I am really proud of myself because the people that know me...Know that is really hard for me to do. I am extremely shy! It feels good to break my mold a little and stretch my arms. I have realized something today with help from my mom, she told me that I was really competitive! When I was out on the water with everyone I was just wanting to do my best, I asked a lot of questions only because I just want to know the mechanics and so on. I worried that they thought I was asking to many questions or asking the samething over and over again. But that is the only way that I can get it to stick! Again, for those that know me know that it's hard for me to ask questions...But I am getting better at it. I think I just need to just relax.....Right? I working on that one!! haha