Thursday, October 19, 2006

Tony said: "don't forget about us"

It's that time again! It's homecoming and we are playing A & M. The week is filled with things to do and things to buy like t-shirts, hoodies, and so on and so forth! Well, I came across this booth that wasn't with homecoming stuff or at least I think so. But anyways, it was a booth to support the invisible children in Uganda, Africa.

last year in my pol. sci. class we watched a video or documentary about these amazing children and how they try to stay safe from the military and their journey to just stay alive. The video was very touching and I would like to encourage you to take a look at the website and what we could do to make a difference. I know I did when I bought the shirt. The money is going straight to those kids to aid them for things they need. I don't know about you but that makes me feel damn good that I am trying to help someone I have never met.

the website is

take care everyone


Anonymous said...

Can anyone imagine being a little child and not know where the next meal would come from? What terror. How can we help a nation that cannot or will not help themsleves? A nation that allows these bullies to brutalize their own kind? All America seems to be able to do is throw money at these problems and sometimes we don't know the good guys from the bad.

Can $$$ really solve the problem?

HEARTS need to be changed to make a lasting difference. Divine intervention!!

We gave to the Katrina Disastor but I really doubt that that money ever got to the people who really needed it ... and if it did, it was just a quick fix.

How DO we make a real difference?

Brenden said...
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Brenden said...

but sometimes money can help. that could help them just to get by for not just maybe one day but maybe a week...i am guessing. there is a movement that is trying happen and to help these kids. if you go to the WEBSITE... the people behind this actually got in to the govt. to ask if they could help...and they (govt.) didn't even know about until they pointed it out. know that is something to think about.

Anonymous said...

Your point is well taken. We need to do something or at least try even if we fail.

Anonymous said...

darren and I just saw that documentary with our other young life leaders....I think everyone should be aware of what is going on in Uganda.

Darren Durrett said...
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